Stor dansk proptech-konference samler ejendomsbranchen på tværs af hele Norden
Den 16. maj bliver København vært for PropTech Symposium 2022: Real Impact – Nordens største proptech-konference. Konferencen sætter fokus på behovet for digitalisering og innovation inden for ejendomsbranchen i en tid, hvor branchen presses af øgede bæredygtighedskrav, ændrede forbrugermønstre og nye digitale forretningsmodeller.
Digitale dørtelefoner optimerer driften og sparer ressourcer
Den danske proptech-virksomhed WelcomeBob har vind i sejlene med deres digitale dørtelefoner og adgangsløsninger. WelcomeBob har været en af de absolutte pionervirksomheder på den danske proptechscene og har været med fra den spæde start, hvor digitale løsninger stadig var noget helt nyt i ejendomsbranchen.
Swedish proptech transforming apartment living hits Denmark
Avy-Tmpl is a Tenant Experience Platform and App where property owners can provide a simpler and more modern service to residents while at the same time creating a foundation for new significant revenue. The solution has a reach of over 250,000 households across private and public housing clients and is set to expand further in the Nordics.
Danes among the winners of the Nordic PropTech Awards 2022
Two Danish proptechs won an award at the first Nordic PropTech Award show, announced at the live-streamed event by PropTech Denmark in Copenhagen.
New date - May 16 - for our PropTech Symposium: Real Impact
Join us in beautiful Nikolaj Art Center downtown Copenhagen on May 16 (new date), when we bring you the best of Nordic proptech at our yearly PropTech Symposium 2022.
Spaceti & Danish pension fund PFA in new innovative partnership
Proptech company Spaceti and Danish pension fund PFA in an innovative partnership to provide healthy flexible workspaces.
5G mobilnettet åbner både muligheder og store udfordringer for ejendomsbranchen
På trods af at der med 5G skrues voldsomt op for hastigheden af vores mobilnetværk i disse år oplever mange at deres mobilforbindelse ikke bliver bedre – og i flere tilfælde endda langsommere.
You’re invited to the Nordic PropTech Awards Final!
You are invited to our online Nordic PropTech Awards Final live stream on March 4th from 9.30-10.30AM (CET)!
Meet PropTech Denmark at MIPIM 2022
PropTech Denmark will be present at this year’s MIPIM. We are very much looking forward to four days of inspirational networking and real estate innovation talks. See our programme here.
Syv stærke løsninger til den fleksible arbejdsplads
Corona-pandemien har forstærket og accelereret en række eksisterende udviklingstendenser på kontormarkedet. Mest tydeligt har pandemien skubbet til en udvikling, hvor mange flere medarbejdere arbejder en eller flere dage hjemmefra …
New collaboration to uncover digital maturity in Danish real estate
PropTech Denmark & Colliers uncovers the Danish real estate sector's digital maturity and development in a new grant study.
PropTech Denmark gains International Profile as new Managing Director
Michael Ambjørn joins PropTech Denmark as Managing Director from January 2022. Joining a well-established team that has grown membership and industry impact beyond expectations in 2021, the former IBMer and Urbantech MD will help scale the organization even further.
Happy holidays from PropTech Denmark!
2021 has indeed been an amazing year for proptech. We look back as well as towards what 2022 has in store for us!
Syv trends der ændrer fremtidens arbejdsplads
Forståelsen af arbejdspladsen har været under stor forandring siden coronaen gjorde sit indtog. De seneste halvanden år har vi alle været udsat for et hav af eksperimenter på, hvordan vi arbejder og tilgår vores arbejdsplads …
New extensive fund will make real estate and our cities more sustainable
A large number of significant Nordic and international real estate companies have launched an extensive venture fund – 2150 – in order to invest in technologies and solutions that can make our properties and cities more sustainable.
No circular economy in real estate without proptech
Our former Network Director, Jakob Stoumann, on how a circular economy in real estate will be driven by proptech. Learn why and see list of examples of pillar proptech solutions.
Sats på digitalisering, gennemsigtighed og en bedre kundeoplevelse sikrer høje vækstrater hos ny ejendomsmægler
Proptech er i høj grad også begyndt at ramme ejendomsmæglerne. Ejendomsmægler Brikk er på kort tid blevet landets hurtigst voksende og en af landets største ejendomsmæglere.
Nadim Stub to step down from his position as Managing Director
Nadim Stub to step down as Managing Director of PropTech Denmark at the end of the year. He leaves the organization in great shape for the next phase, as the transition is "expected and quite natural," states Rasmus Juul-Nyholm, Chairman of PropTech Denmark.
En ny type certificeringer kan ændre ejendomsbranchen fundamentalt
Proptech, intelligente digitale ejendomsløsninger, vinder hastigt i frem i vores bygninger. Vi ser også, at investorer og ejendomsudviklere i højere og højere grad kigger mod såkaldte smart buildings – intelligente bygninger, hvor styring og drift digitaliseres …
PropTech Denmark pulls new innovative building certification to Denmark
A new international Smart Building Certification hits the Danish market in collaboration with PropTech Denmark. The new certificate will award the most intelligent buildings in the country and help the industry operate smarter, healthier, more productive, and sustainable buildings.