PropTech Denmark opruster med tunge profiler i bestyrelsen
PropTech Denmark får fire nye store profiler i bestyrelsen, hvor 2021 bl.a. byder på øget fokus på bæredygtighed og de kommercielle muligheder i både dansk og international proptech.
CODAN og WeWork skærer det ud i pap: Kontormarkedet er under forandring
With lockdown and working-from-home regulations Covid-19 has started a debate on the future of work and the office renting market. Jakob Stoumman Jensen, HUB Director of PropTech Denmark, takes the pulse on the current trends (in Danish).
PropTech Denmark indgår samarbejde med Coor
Bedre indeklima, øget sundhed og energioptimering. Nyt samarbejde med PropTech Denmark skal hjælpe Coor med at udvikle relevante løsninger til slutbrugerne.
COVID-19: Announcement for members & partners
PropTech Denmark is committed to ensuring a healthy and safe organization, supporting the efforts of our ecosystem in innovating real estate.
Meet one of our new lab tenants - Wicomico
Even though it’s only been a little more than a month since we opened our PropTech LAB in Bloxhub the lab is very much coming alive. We talked to LAB tenant Wicomico about moving in!
Kommunikationspraktikant til foråret 2021
PropTech Denmark er på udkig efter en engageret og alsidig kommunikationspraktikant til første halvår af 2021. Er det dig eller en du kender? Ansøg nu!
Save the date - PropTech Symposium
On November 26, PropTech Denmark and EjendomsWatch will bring you 'PropTech Symposium 2020' - the leading proptech and real estate innovation event in Denmark.
PropTech LAB is Live!
On the 24th of September we officially launched PropTech LAB - the new epicenter for real estate innovation and collaboration.
Proptech - an inevitable key to green transition
Digitization has hit real estate! New innovative proptech solutions and business models are sprouting in Denmark and in most other parts of the world and are changing the way we build, trade, operate and use our buildings.
Proptech er afgørende for den grønne omstilling
(in Danish) Digitalisering har for alvor ramt ejendomsbranchen og Proptech er et helt uundgåelig element, hvis vi på nogen måde skal lykkedes med den grønne omstilling i Danmark såvel som i resten af verden
PropTech Denmark LAB & co-working space launching soon
The new PropTech Denmark LAB will be the physical proptech epicenter promoting, supporting, and inspiring community engagement, industry integration, networking, and collaboration across the industry.
PropTech Denmark joins vision committee for Jernbanebyen
PropTech Denmark has been invited to join the vision committee by DSB Ejendomme & Freja Ejendomme on the development of a new green neighborhood in Copenhagen.
EU launches biggest funding programme yet
ESCALAR is the European Commission's new funding programme for startups and scaleups. The instrument will activate several billion Euros of additional investments in European startups and scaleups.
UbiqiSense recognized at prestigious European PropTech Award
Our member UbiqiSense has qualified for the semifinals in the prestigious European Startup and Scaleup Proptech Awards.
Fremtidens arkitektur kommer til at indeholde markant mere teknologi
New digital technologies should and can help real estate in the green transition and to live up to new generations’ increasing service demands (in Danish)
Recap: New Property Marketplaces - Danish perspectives
Recap of our event: New Property Marketplaces.
Derfor er proptech så vigtigt for Danmark
The blog gives an introduction to the Danish proptech ecosystem and argues why proptech should be a key driver of growth and green transition in Denmark (in Danish).
PropTech Denmark Welcomes Clara & Jakob
We welcome Clara and Jakob to our secretariat in Proptech Denmark. yay us.
New Property Marketplaces: Learnings across cases
We look back on the past few weeks of exploring New Property Marketplaces.
Intro to the field: New Property Marketplaces
An introductory blog to the Proptech field: New Market Places.